Dr. Dominic Man-Kit Lam
Dr. Lam was born in Swatow and grew up in Hong Kong. He obtained his bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees by age 22, studied under two Nobel Laureates (Prof. T. Wiesel and D. Hubel) at Harvard Medical School before joining the Harvard Faculty and subsequently became Professor of Ophthalmology and Director of Center for Biotechnology in Houston. In 1982, Lam and Professor David Paton, Founder of Project Orbis, the charitable ophthalmic airplane, visited China for the first time. In 1985, Lam started the first biotech company in Texas and subsequently took it public in U.S. and was named “The Father of Texas Biotechnology”. In 1988, Lam became the founding director of Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology. In 1989, Lam received the U.S. High Tech Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Merit. He was also appointed a member of the U.S. President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities. In 1991, Lam was named Asia Society “Man of the Year”. In 1993, he founded LifeTech Group to develop and market healthcare products. In 1999, he founded World Eye Organization (WEO) to prevent and treat eye diseases for the poor. In 2001, Lam’s patent on “Edible Vaccine” was named by MIT as one of “five patents that will transform business and technology”, and by Time Magazine as one of ten most important inventions in the 21st century.
Artistically, Dr. Lam’s most important contributions include: (1) In 1980, Lam discovered the Chromoskedasic Painting, also known as NanoArt, in which color images are produced using only black and white photographic paper and solutions; (2) In 1982-83, Lam collaborated on a painting entitled Plum, Orchid, Bamboo, Ganoderm and Rock, with Masters Chang Daqian, Shao Shao’ang and Guan Shanyue, symbolizing the unity of all Chinese people around the world; (3) In 2001-2002, Lam completed the huge paintings entitled This Land is our Land (2.5m x 9.5m) and A Galaxy on Earth (8m x 8.8m) for permanent display at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing; (4) In 2004, Lam created a painting entitled Olympic Spirit: Ode to Happiness for the Beijing Olympic Committee; (5) Beginning in 2005, Lam has applied the Chromoskedasic process to explore the oldest Chinese philosophy and culture Nine Court Diagrams; (6) In 2009, Lam created Voyage of Discovery: Universe, a 1.2m x 15m Chromoskedasic photopainting for his solo exhibition at Louis Vuitton Maison in Hong Kong, commemorating the 40th anniversary of Man on the Moon for the first time. This painting was acquired by a foundation for USD1,000,000 in 2010; and (7) Lam was invited by the Olympics Fine Arts Committee to exhibit Millennium Olympic Odyssey II: From the Great Wall to River Thames – Embrace the World during the 2012 London Olympics.(8) In 2011, Lam was invited as the key artist representing China in the first Sino-French art exhibition at the National Library of China in Beijing.(9) In 2011, Lam was invited by the London Olympic Arts Committee as a featured artist for the 2012 Olympic Games, and in 2012, his work「Millennium OdysseyⅡ: From the Great Wall to the River Thames -- Embrace the World 」won a gold medal at the Olympic Fine Arts Exhibition in London earlier this year.(10) On March, 2013, Lam was selected one of the eight most important artists in the history of Hong Kong by Professor Laurence Tam, the Founding Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art.
林文傑生于潮陽長於香港。六歲學畫。十六歲赴加拿大進修,六年內獲得數學學士、理論物理碩士及醫學生物物理博士。繼而深造于美國哈佛大學醫學院,師從兩位諾貝爾醫學獎得主。二十四歲任教哈佛,後又應擔邀任德州醫學中心眼科教授及生物科技研究中心院長。一九八二年與奧比斯眼科飛行醫院 (Project Orbis) 創辦人佩頓教授首次赴中國交流。一九八五年成立德州第一間生物科技公司,並于一九八八年在美國上市,被譽為“德州生物科技之父”。同年應邀任香港生物研究院創建院長。一九八九年獲「美國高科技企業家大奬」和「美國總統勳章」,又獲邀為美國總統藝術人文委員會委員。一九九一年獲選為亞洲協會「風雲人物」。一九九三年成立美國生達醫藥集團。一九九九年獲中國美術家協會、中央美術學院及北京故宮博物院選為「二十世紀中國畫壇上最具代表性與影響力的99位中國藝術家」之一。一九九九年十二月十八日成立「世界眼科組織」(WEO),為窮人防盲治盲。二零零一年林教授的專利「口服植物疫苗」獲美國麻省理工學院選為全球最重要的五個專利之一,又獲美國《時代雜誌》選為廿一世紀最重要的十個發明之一。
在藝術上,林文傑最重要的貢獻是﹕(一) 一九八零年偶然發明「折光畫」,或稱「納米藝術」,用不同攝影液體在黑白相紙上顯現不同顏色與效果;(二) 一九八二至一九八三年與國畫大師張大千(臺灣)、趙少昂(香港)、關山月(大陸)合繪《梅蘭竹芝》圖,象徵中華民族之團結與中國人民之天下一家;(三) 二零零一至二零零二年接受北京釣魚臺國賓館邀請,為其新建之「芳菲苑」畫兩幅巨作《九天銀河》(四連屏,共8米 x 8.8米) 及《錦繡河山》(2.5米 x 9.5米);(四) 二零零四年為北京奥委會創作一幅融合中國書法與奥運精神的「樂」字;(五) 二零零五年起以折光畫及其他藝術媒介表達中國最古的文化和哲理﹕《九宮圖》;(六) 二零零八年獲「北京奧運委員會」邀請為特聘藝術家;(七) 二零零九年應「路易威登」藝術中心(Louis Vuitton Maison) 邀請為紀念人類登陸月球四十週年創作並展覽一幅1.2米 x 15.0米的折光畫:「宇宙探索之旅」,此畫為一個基金會於二零一零年以一百萬美元收購;(八) 二零一一年為首届中法藝術大展(北京) 之特邀畫家;(九) 二零一一年獲「倫敦奧運委員會」邀請為特聘藝術家。二零一二年八月一月,其作品《奧運千禧之旅:從長城至泰晤士河- 擁抱世界》更獲「2012倫敦奧林匹克美術大展」金牌。(十) 二零一三年,在香港藝術館創館總館長譚志誠的新書中林教授獲評香港當代八大藝術家之一。